Wednesday 3 August 2011

Tips for a Great First Date

You have been flirting through chat for a while now and have finally decided to meet for a date. But chat rooms and the real world are very different. You have a lot depending on you to make your first date a stepping stone for many more. There are a few things you should, and many more you shouldn’t do to make your first date a success.

First dates are all about getting to know each other. Choose a public venue where you have the opportunity to chat as well as indulge in another activity. Carnivals, mini-golf or simply a walk in the park are a great way to have a relaxed first date. Spend enough time on grooming yourself and getting yourself ready to look and feel great. This will ensure that you are not tensed on your first date.

Wear an appropriate dress that flatters your personality rather than your body. You want your date to know the real you and not just notice your physical features. Ease up on the cologne or perfume; you just want to smell good and not reek in the pungent fumes of menthol or cherries. Another grave mistake that many make is talking about exes. The first date should be a sign of a new beginning for the both of you. So don’t ruin precious moments by complaining about your ex. Avoid talking about any other woman or man altogether.

When you meet your date at the venue, remember to keep it casual but respectful. Do not jump into inappropriate questions or physical touching. You could think of some common topics to discuss in your date to ensure there are no awkward pauses. Remember likes and dislikes of your date from their profiles and chat room conversations to jump start a potentially awkward silence. Be honest about yourself and stay positive as it give a more approachable vibe and make your first date a success. 

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